Eibenwald Pfaffenhofen in the social networks

Here on our website you will find a lot of information about what we do and about the products and offers of our practice with shop, the Eibenwald in Pfaffenhofen.
You can easily find out the news by subscribing to the newsletter:

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Yew Forest Whatsapp Channel
Yew Forest Whatsapp Channel
Eibenwald Telegram Channel
Eibenwald Telegram Channel

We are still active on Facebook – but of course we can also be found on Linked-In, the professional network.

Alice Troll on Facebook

Jörg Mäsing in the social networks

Business Druids on Linked-In


Eibenwald Newsletter

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    wir sind Alice und Jörg vom Eibenwald. Wie können wir dir helfen?