Podcast about … Shamanism hocus-pocus?

In the third podcast with Roland Media from the series “Modern Coaching as a Druid”, we talk about shamanism.

Among other things, we pursue the questions,
– what shamanism means and what it does not mean
– what the difference is between a shaman and a druid
– how long shamanism has existed and where it comes from, and
– why shamanism is becoming increasingly important for people today.

It is time for us to remember!

I am talking about my very personal view of shamanism and make no claim to general validity.

Maybe you are interested in listening to the podcast (e.g. on a cozy evening)?

I am very happy about your feedback: what does shamanism mean to you?

Here is the link to the podcast: Shamanism hocus-pocus?

Youtube Player
Podcast on youtube on the topic “Shamanism hocus-pocus?”

From the heart, Jörg

Jörg in the podcast: Druid and shaman as business consultants ?! How does that fit together?

I was approached by a professional media agency on the topic of “Business Coaching as a Druid and Shaman … exciting … how does that fit together?”

The result is a podcast in which I discuss how these things – which at first glance do not seem to fit together – nevertheless mesh very well and complement each other wonderfully.

Youtube Player
Jörg Mäsing – Druid and Shaman as Management Consultant

More podcasts will follow – e.g. on topics like “what we can learn from the Celts”.

The podcast is uncut, and therefore honest, tangible.
For me, it’s incredibly exciting and thrilling to be able to do that

Time Travel – On the Road with Healer Alice and Druid Jörg on 18.8. in the news Pfaffenhofen

Healer Alice And Druid Jörg

Time Travel – On the Road with Healer Alice and Druid Jörg

Such a beautiful TV contribution
A little longer still than the first report … and so appreciative …

Anmoderation from 0:48 sec., the actual report about us in the Pfaffenhofen local news from 8:25min.

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025
Time travel - on the road with healer alice and druid jörg on 18. 8. In the news pfaffenhofen 9


“What an exciting insight into a different lifestyle” (quote Daniel Wilpert, TV.Ingolstadt).
Thank you, Daniel and Fabian, and the whole TV.Ingolstadt team!

Hintergründe und wie der Bericht überhaupt entstanden ist: Wir werden vom Lokal-TV angesprochen …


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