Men’s gang Pfaffenhofen – the first campfire of the men in 2025, on Thursday, 16.01.2025

Male gang in Pfaffenhofen

Our next gang of men in Pfaffenhofen … will take place on THURSDAY 16.01.2025, from 7-9 p.m. in the Eibenwald in Pfaffenhofen.

We will… Having time among men. To develop further. Have good conversations at eye level and work on ourselves.

What moves you?
Feel free to bring (your) topic with you that is (currently) on your mind …
2025 will be an exciting, challenging year.

Registration by email to, or by call/Whatsapp to +49.15678.537258, or on our homepage

On our homepage, you will also find a lot more information about men’s work, the costs and other dates and retreats in 2025.

I’m looking forward to seeing you, man.



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Men’s gang Pfaffenhofen – the men’s campfire on 19.12.2024

Male gang in Pfaffenhofen

(also the women are addressed – often we men like to be driven by you – maybe you know a man of whom you think he could go …)

Our next gang of men in Pfaffenhofen … will take place on THURSDAY 19.12.2024, from 7-9 pm.

In the yew forest in Pfaffenhofen.

We will… Having time among men. To develop further. Have good conversations at eye level and work on ourselves.

Registration by email to, by phone or Whatsapp to +49.15678.537258

On our homepage, you will also find a lot more information about men’s work, the costs and other dates in 2025.

I’m looking forward to seeing you, man.



Eibenwald info via Whatsapp channel: -> click here from your mobile phone and enter
Eibenwald Telegram channel: -> click here from your mobile phone and feel free to sign up for a< –

Men’s gang Pfaffenhofen – the men’s campfire on 17.10.2024

(also the women are addressed – often we men like to be driven by you – maybe you know a man of whom you think he could go …)

Our next gang of men in Pfaffenhofen … will take place on THURSDAY 17.10.2024, from 7-9 pm.

In the yew forest in Pfaffenhofen.

We want… Having time among men. To develop further. Have good conversations at eye level and work on ourselves.

Gang of men in Pfaffenhofen

Registration by email to, by phone or Whatsapp to +49.15678.537258

or on our homepage, where you can also find a lot more information about men’s work, and about the costs and other dates of the men’s gang.

The men’s gang in September was fantastic again!
I’m really looking forward to seeing you, man.


Men’s gang Pfaffenhofen – the men’s campfire on 17.10.2024

Male gang in Pfaffenhofen

(also the women are addressed – often we men like to be driven by you – maybe you know a man of whom you think he could go …)

Our next gang of men in Pfaffenhofen … will take place on THURSDAY 17.10.2024, from 7-9 pm.

In the yew forest in Pfaffenhofen.

We will… Having time among men. To develop further. Have good conversations at eye level and work on ourselves.

Registration by email to, by phone or Whatsapp to +49.15678.537258

or on our homepage, where you can also find a lot more information about men’s work, and about the costs and other dates of the men’s gang.

The men’s gang in September was fantastic again!
I’m really looking forward to seeing you, man.


Men talk about sadness?!

Men Gang Pfaffenhofen

Yesterday we met, in small familiar round.

And took the silence and darkness of the current time as an opportunity to deal with a topic that is so rarely given space among us men: Sadness.

I am so excited about the openness, honesty, mindfulness and deep trust and appreciation, given by the men here in the men’s gang.

Men gang Pfaffenhofen

Männerbande Pfaffenhofen

In a circle with other men in a protected place

Mann, Du bist so sehr willkommen … Am Lagerfeuer der Männer – der Männerbande in Pfaffenhofen!

Men, thank you!

Men Pfaffenhofen

6 men met in October for the men’s circle in Pfaffenhofen.
A special evening – the first men’s circle in Pfaffenhofen, in Eibenwald!

6 men, of different ages (mid-30s to early 60s), with so much experience and knowledge. Everyone an asset in the circle.

6 men, sitting together in a circle, listening to each other, giving space, complementing.

Men'S Circle Pfaffenhofen
Men’s Circle Pfaffenhofen

Connected by the will to develop further.
As a man.

The next time we gather will be Nov. 9, 7 p.m. at Eibenwald in Pfaffenhofen.
Feel free to get in touch if sitting in a circle of men appeals to you.

Men, thank you very much, for you, for being men!


Men gang Pfaffenhofen

Men Gang Pfaffenhofen

Being a man – can be very complicated today.

Being a man in today’s society means rocking family and job. Cultivate relationships “Always stand your ground”. To endure the tension between all the expectations that are placed on us men….
And where does that leave us ourselves?

Men gang Pfaffenhofen

Being a man today often means growing up in a society where men talk about cars and the job. Just about “masculine” topics, the content of which is only on the outside.

We have never learned to talk about our inner worlds because that is considered “weak” and real men are never weak…. ah… that’s not true at all … the “real, modern man” is of course also weak … … but no one has ever shown us, taught us, how it works. Neither our father (who didn’t know it either – how could he?!) – nor our mother, who also grew up with a completely different world view.

Männerbande Pfaffenhofen

We know regulars’ tables, and even love them sometimes.

But is that all?

Here, too, only “normal” male conversations are held, and there is no real talking. We don’t really exchange ideas and thus deprive ourselves of opportunities to support and reflect on each other . What remains is the feeling of being alone with one’s problems and thoughts, of being the “only one” and therefore not being “right” as one is.

What a dilemma!

Men gang Pfaffenhofen

What if there was a framework in which all these other issues could be accommodated, honored and appreciated?

What if we talked about ourselves, explored together who we really are?

What if we could find out together who we want to be in reality?

In a circle with other men, in a protected setting.

I have been involved in men’s circles for a number of years. Gratefully participate in rounds with men, where we can discuss all the issues. Love. Sex. Sense. Fears.
Weekend seminars, as well as regular Zoom meetings with men from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Eibenwald - 19. February 2025
Men gang pfaffenhofen

Men gang Pfaffenhofen

I want to gather these men here in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, the place where I live. And give us men a space, and the opportunity to have conversations beyond the regular table talk.

Talk when you want to talk. Listening when you need to. Silence when you don’t want to speak. Learning from other men. Learning and practicing to be who we are without having to pretend .

Shaman Pfaffenhofen

“Topics are covered here that probably aren’t discussed that often otherwise”

(TV.Ingolstadt, feature about us on 8/18/2021). Link here, the report about us starts from min 8:25

To feel ourselves in our power that is born from deep within ourselves.

We are and were men. Warrior. Hunter. Craftsman. Guide. Farmers. Pride. Honest. Faithful, to us and to our clan.

We used to meet around the campfire in the evenings.
Told how the day was and learned from each other.

I want to gather us again, to bring back into our daily lives a tradition that has been forgotten for far too long.

Du bist so sehr willkommen … Am Lagerfeuer der Männer – der Männerbande in Pfaffenhofen!

Männerbande Pfaffenhofen – I look forward to you, man!


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