Our ancestors, the Celts, celebrated these days on the dates indicated below. Unlike today’s life, our ancestors did not have 20-30 days of vacation per year, but in addition to the 52 work-free Sundays, they had about 20-40 holidays on which they did not work.
Seasonal festival – rituals in the yew forest
Yule – Winter Solstice
Imbolc – second new moon after Yule
Ostara – Spring equinox
Beltane – fifth full moon after Yule
Litha – Summer Solstice
Lughnasadh – eighth full moon after Yule
Mabon – autumn equinox
Samhain – eleventh black moon after Yule
Seasonal festivals in Pfaffenhofen
We also celebrate the seasonal festivals in the yew forest or in nature around Pfaffenhofen.
Since we are not ritual-dogmatic, but celebrate the festivals as it fits into today’s time, individual days may shift (e.g. to suitable days before or on the weekend).
Details in our events