Being a man – can be very complicated today.
Being a man in today’s society means rocking family and job. Cultivate relationships “Always stand your ground”. To endure the tension between all the expectations that are placed on us men…
And where does that leave us ourselves?
Men in today’s society
Today, being a man often means growing up in a society where men talk about cars and jobs. In other words, about “male” topics that are often only external in terms of content.
We haven’t learned to talk about our inner worlds because it’s considered “weak” and real men are never weak… ah … that’s not true … the “real, modern man” has to be weak too, of course … but no one has ever shown us or taught us how. Neither our father (who didn’t know – how could he?!) nor our mother, who grew up with a completely different world view.
Men’s work
It took me many years to find men with whom I could have these conversations.
As a child, I was laughed at by the other boys when I thought about myself, when I asked myself questions like “What must a boy be like? “Who am I actually and what can I do and what do I want anyway”?
Then I learned not to ask those questions anymore….
My best friend died at the age of 28 – we shared everything…. but only had one real conversation about the meaning of life. That was 2 weeks before his death. 1998.
I was looking for myself. For so many years.
I took refuge in too much work to the point of burnout. Drugs, sex, etc. I also have two failed marriages behind me, which resulted in two really great children (for whom I am infinitely grateful).
I have been involved in men’s circles for a number of years.
I gratefully take part in meetings with men in which we can discuss all topics. Love. Sex. Sense. Fears. Vision. Objectives.
Weekend seminars, as well as regular Zoom meetings with men from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
And I have been accompanying other men on their journey for some time now.
My men’s ministry consists of the following offerings, among others:
- Organization of men’s weekends:
- Leading men’s circles at seminars and retreats
- Example here: shamanic festival
- Lectures at men’s congresses – example here
- Coaching of men on very personal issues, professional and private.
- Counseling and accompaniment on the way of divorce and separation
- Männerbande Pfaffenhofen – a monthly physical meeting of men, in our meeting room in the Eibenwald in Pfaffenhofen or outside at places of power in nature
- Axe and knife throwing for men
Men’s work is a very special kind of accompaniment, coaching.
Men’s work means working on issues, in private conversation or in men’s circles in the safe protection of other men who hold you.
I am honored to be able to accompany so many great big brave men. Seeing us all grow, become braver and find ourselves more and more.
Do you have any questions about what I do? Feel free to contact us here: Contact
I look forward to seeing you, man!
Brothertree – an association of men for men
Member of the
Men’s groups network