Our ancestors, long before the Christian era, accepted newborns into your clan in a baptism ceremony.
Their newborn children blessed with water, purified, and welcomed into life.
We celebrate a ceremony with you and your friends, family and clan/group/community. For this we invite our ancestors, as well as the forces of nature.
We celebrate the name and soul of the person being baptized – it doesn’t matter if it’s a child or an adult.
Your shamanic baptism ceremony – the baptism ritual for children and for adults
We honor the one to be baptized in this world, and welcome Him into the community.
Elements of the baptism ceremony include:
- Invocation of the forces for strengthening
- Ritual ablution with holy water, gladly in a place in nature, but also possible in a room of your choice or with us in the yew forest in Pfaffenhofen
- Background to his name
- Anchoring the spirit and soul in the body in this life
- Integration of wishes and prayers of possible godparents into the ceremony
- Establish and consolidate connection with the supporters and companions of the person to be baptized, connection with his power.
- Opening the third eye
- Blessing and consecration of power objects for the person to be baptized.
The course of the ceremony is very special, and will be discussed with you in preliminary talks. Duration: about 2 hours.
The shamanic baptism ceremony does not depend or influence in any way the religious affiliation of the person, but is based on the celebrations and ceremonies of our ancestors.
The costs for preparation, implementation and rework are a flat rate of 790€, plus. travel expenses, if any, according to our general price list.
If you are interested in shamanic baptism, a ceremony according to Celtic and Germanic traditions, as well as references, feel free to contact us.