Online offers and online events

In our practice with shop, the Eibenwald in Pfaffenhofen, we offer you offers around the topics of Ayurveda, shamanism and coaching.

This local offer is supplemented by selected online events, Zoom Meetings, our online shop, where you can buy almost all of our products on the Internet, as well as online rune work.

Eibenwald online offers in the online shop

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

Handmade products, amulets and shamanic tools

We make handmade products and shamanic tools, such as incense sticks, tinctures and extraction tools.

Eibenwald online store

Eibenwald Online Events

selected events online via Zoom, incl. a recording, so that you can watch your event again and again at home

Yewwood Online Rune Work

Rune Work Online
Rune work online

Shamanic individual work

The topics on which we can work with you in individual shamanic work, or on which we can work effectively in a shamanic way, are so varied that it is impossible to list them all.

Shamanic individual work includes, among other things

  • Extraction, pulling out of harmful and burdensome foreign energies
  • Soul (share) retrieval
  • Power animal search and connection
  • Healing the body-mind-soul by reuniting the three aspects
  • Aura work
  • Ancestor work
  • Dissolving old vows, oaths, promises
  • Trauma Processing
  • Chakra work
Shamanic Individual Work

In contrast to therapeutic psychiatric appointments, for example, shamanic individual work … work and not just talk. Asking questions and making connections visible is certainly one part, but not everything.

Often … you will “do something”, you will be worked on and with. Your “system” will change through and with the help of forces outside of you.

We not only work on your deficits, but also accompany you back to your self-empowerment.

Aids and tools that can be used in a typical shamanic one-to-one session include

  • Fumigation with native medicinal herbs
  • Work with the shamanic drum
  • Working with tarot cards or runes

Depending on the topic (and, of course, the weather), individual events can also take place outdoors.

Shamanic individual work – Our approach

Shamanic Individual Work

If we don’t really know each other yet, you are invited to a non-binding, free initial consultation (duration approx. 30 minutes). This will show both you and us whether and how we can work together on your topic.

The first appointment for individual shamanic work will take place shortly afterwards: Here we will concretize your request and work on it with shamanic techniques. Experience has shown that these individual appointments last approx. 1.5h-2h each.
The aim is to achieve a change that you can feel after each individual appointment.
There are often tasks for you to do at home after these appointments. Quasi as “homework”.

Whether and how many further appointments are necessary depends on your request and will be discussed and worked out together with you.
The individual appointments take place at intervals of a few weeks to a few months, depending on the situation and concerns.

Between the appointments, we offer you close support from us, which can take place both by telephone and by email/Whatsapp.

Shamanic individual work – female and or male energy?

We, Alice and Jörg, are there for you in our masculine and feminine strength. Sometimes you need one and sometimes the other. We are not in competition with each other; depending on your concerns and topic, you always have the option of working with one or the other.

Shamanic baptism – Celtic Germanic baptism ceremony

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

Our ancestors, long before the Christian era, accepted newborns into your clan in a baptism ceremony.
Their newborn children blessed with water, purified, and welcomed into life.

We celebrate a ceremony with you and your friends, family and clan/group/community. For this we invite our ancestors, as well as the forces of nature.

We celebrate the name and soul of the person being baptized – it doesn’t matter if it’s a child or an adult.

Your shamanic baptism ceremony – the baptism ritual for children and for adults

We honor the one to be baptized in this world, and welcome Him into the community.

Elements of the baptism ceremony include:

  • Invocation of the forces for strengthening
  • Ritual ablution with holy water, gladly in a place in nature, but also possible in a room of your choice or with us in the yew forest in Pfaffenhofen
  • Background to his name
  • Anchoring the spirit and soul in the body in this life
  • Integration of wishes and prayers of possible godparents into the ceremony
  • Establish and consolidate connection with the supporters and companions of the person to be baptized, connection with his power.
  • Opening the third eye
  • Blessing and consecration of power objects for the person to be baptized.

The course of the ceremony is very special, and will be discussed with you in preliminary talks. Duration: about 2 hours.

The shamanic baptism ceremony does not depend or influence in any way the religious affiliation of the person, but is based on the celebrations and ceremonies of our ancestors.

The costs for preparation, implementation and rework are a flat rate of 790€, plus. travel expenses, if any, according to our general price list.

If you are interested in shamanic baptism, a ceremony according to Celtic and Germanic traditions, as well as references, feel free to contact us.

Seasonal festivals in Pfaffenhofen

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

Our ancestors, the Celts, celebrated these days on the dates indicated below. Unlike today’s life, our ancestors did not have 20-30 days of vacation per year, but in addition to the 52 work-free Sundays, they had about 20-40 holidays on which they did not work.

Seasonal festival – rituals in the yew forest

Yule – Winter Solstice

Imbolc – second new moon after Yule

Ostara – Spring equinox

Beltane – fifth full moon after Yule

Litha – Summer Solstice

Lughnasadh – eighth full moon after Yule

Mabon – autumn equinox

Samhain – eleventh black moon after Yule

Seasonal festivals in Pfaffenhofen

We also celebrate the seasonal festivals in the yew forest or in nature around Pfaffenhofen.
Since we are not ritual-dogmatic, but celebrate the festivals as it fits into today’s time, individual days may shift (e.g. to suitable days before or on the weekend).

Details in our events

House cleaning and apartment cleaning

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

Everything that has ever happened in a house or apartment leaves an energetic imprint there.
This imprint may have implications for current residents. This can be very stressful in some circumstances, leading to illness, inner turmoil, malaise, insomnia and other problems.

Deceased people are often still “stuck”, disputes from the past are in the walls, or house spirits and nature beings cause trouble.

Often, even the land on which the house is located, never cleaned.
So there could have been a cemetery there many years or centuries ago, or a battlefield, an ancient place of worship, or someone came to death there (possibly unnaturally).

One can well imagine that such energies are burdensome for the current inhabitants of this place.
A house that is overflowing with unresolved emotions and energies often then attracts other burdensome energies as well.

During a shamanic house cleansing we detect these energies and entities, remove them and thus ensure that balance is restored and a harmonious life is possible.

These may be reasons for a house cleaning:

  • You hear voices although no one is there
  • Items such as keys and jewelry mysteriously disappear and suddenly reappear.
  • You sleep badly and nightmares plague you
  • Someone has died in the house
  • A diffuse feeling of unease in the house
  • You feel you are being watched
  • Electrical devices simply turn off and on again for no apparent reason
  • You always feel drained and tired despite enough sleep
  • Pets behave strangely in some areas of the house
  • Children have fears in certain rooms and see entities
  • Objects move by themselves, doors open and close
  • Light switches are operated
  • You perceive shadows that cannot be explained logically
  • You feel someone passing by or touching you, but no one is there

The duration and cost of a shamanic house cleaning depends on the size of the house and the property. An apartment cleaning we charge a flat rate with 3h effort, i.e. 270€ per apartment.

The house or apartment should be free to walk, all rooms must be accessible.

Shamanic work

Shamanic Individual Work

Shamanism is a holistic nature-based worldview and view of the world and the interrelationships in nature (man is a part of nature!), to see something with different eyes and to work with body, mind and soul in a very practical way.
And, excitingly, has a lot in common with the oldest healing art in the world, Ayurveda.

Here you will find an overview of our shamanic work. This list is certainly not complete, but serves the purpose of giving you an idea of what we do in and with our shamanic work.

Shamanic work in the Eibenwald in Pfaffenhofen includes, among other things:

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

House cleaning and apartment cleaning

House cleaning or apartment cleaning … Everything that has ever happened in a house or apartment leaves an energetic imprint there.
This imprint may have implications for current residents. This can be very stressful in some circumstances, leading to illness, inner turmoil, malaise, insomnia and other problems.

Online offers and online events

Eibenwald Online Offers, Online Events, Online Seminars and Workshops, Online Rune Work.
Everything fits the topics of Ayurveda, shamanism and coaching

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

Seasonal festivals in Pfaffenhofen

We also celebrate the seasonal festivals in the yew forest or in nature around Pfaffenhofen.
Since we are not ritual-dogmatic, but celebrate the festivals as it fits into today’s time, individual days may shift (e.g. to suitable days before or on the weekend).

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

Shamanic baptism – Celtic Germanic baptism ceremony

Shamanic baptism, Celtic Germanic baptism ceremony.
Our ancestors, long before the Christian era, accepted newborns into your clan in a baptism ceremony.
Their newborn children blessed with water, purified, and welcomed into life.

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

Shamanic Chakra Work

In shamanic thinking, the chakra is seen as a tunnel. And in each of these tunnels, or in front of them, is a tunnel guard.
The way the tunnel looks allows a glimpse into the chakra and provides a view of aspects of your body.
Just as the tunnel guard also says a lot: which creature is it? How healthy is the guard?

Shamanic individual work

Shamanic individual work includes, among other things, extraction, drawing out harmful and stressful external energies
Soul repatriation
Healing body-mind-spirit
Aura work
Ancestor work
Trauma Processing
Chakra work

Shamanic Individual Work

Shamanic work

Shamanism is a holistic nature-based worldview and view of the world and the interrelationships in nature (man is a part of nature!), to see something with different eyes and to work with body, mind and soul in a very practical way.

Working shamanically with us means: finding the places where you have lost yourself and bringing you back to yourself.

We accompany you on your way to yourself.

It is important to us that you can “arrive” with us before the ritual, and come back to everyday reality after the ritual.
Therefore, we always have a preliminary discussion as well as a joint follow-up.

Shamanic work in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm

Each of our shamanic accompaniment is individual, just as each person is individual. Feel free to call or email us so we can answer your questions and talk to you personally about how we can help you.

Shamanic Chakra Work

Eibenwald - 16. January 2025

An example of shamanic work is the work with the chakras.

Shamanic Chakra Work In Yew Forest

Chakras – the energy centers of our body.

We tour with you – or for you – your chakras.

And thus awaken the self-healing powers of your body.

In shamanic thinking, the chakras are seen as tunnels. And in each of these tunnels, or in front of them, is a tunnel guard.

shamanic chakra work

In the first step, we go on a journey together with you to a specific or all chakras.

The way the tunnel looks allows a glimpse into the chakra and provides a view of aspects of your body.

Just as the tunnel guard also says a lot: which creature is it? How healthy is the guard? Where is it located?

In the next step, we go to work with you to cleanse your chakras and connect them to each other.

Your body’s entire energy system will benefit from this work. And again and again we are thrilled how sustainable and long-lasting this intensive work with our own body is.

Hallo 👋
wir sind Alice und Jörg vom Eibenwald. Wie können wir dir helfen?