Time Travel – On the Road with Healer Alice and Druid Jörg on 18.8. in the news Pfaffenhofen

Time Travel – On the Road with Healer Alice and Druid Jörg

Such a beautiful TV contribution
A little longer still than the first report … and so appreciative …

Anmoderation from 0:48 sec., the actual report about us in the Pfaffenhofen local news from 8:25min.

Eibenwald - 19. February 2025
Time travel - on the road with healer alice and druid jörg on 18. 8. In the news pfaffenhofen 8


“What an exciting insight into a different lifestyle” (quote Daniel Wilpert, TV.Ingolstadt).
Thank you, Daniel and Fabian, and the whole TV.Ingolstadt team!

Hintergründe und wie der Bericht überhaupt entstanden ist: Wir werden vom Lokal-TV angesprochen …


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