

The Ancescaller

The Ancestral Caller connects you with your roots, your inner home. The Ancestorcaller seems to float in your hand, because he lived as driftwood for a long time in the home of the water creatures and learned from them.

Lieferzeit: 3-5 days, depending on DHL

1 in stock

Produkt enthält: 1 Piece

SKU: EW_118246001 Categories: , , , , , , Tags: , ,
Brand: Eibenwald


The Ancestral Caller connects you with your roots, your inner home. If you knock 3* with him on the earth, he calls your ancestors and with them their love, experience and support. You are because they were, and yet you go your own way! You also have your place in the great fabric of fate, and threads also connect you with people with whom you are not related by blood, but who are part of your circle, your tribe, that surrounds you. The Ancestorcaller seems to float in your hand, because he lived as driftwood for a long time in the home of the water creatures and learned from them. He has absorbed the light flow and the humming murmur, and knows the power of change. Despite the long friendship with the element of water, it has remained wood. Himself! The rune OTHALA stands for your homeland, your roots and your tribe. She tells you about your origins. Two spirals embody the eternal course of life. Becoming and passing away in constant motion. Up and down… The blue calzid evokes the transparent magic of water in the glow of Grandmother Moon. The circle with the dot in the middle on the back shows you in the midst of your family, your community, your tribe, your homeland. May all those who are connected to you in the great web of fate connect with you in a blessed way. Both connected by your ancestral lineage and voluntarily chosen by you! May blessings be!


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Additional information

Weight 0,3 kg
Dimensions 40 × 5 × 17 cm
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