Bridge builders


The bridge builder

With both ends, the bridge builder touches the earth and rises in the middle to let things and beings slip through.

You can send questions, requests and special requests through to the other side, to the other worlds. So that they may change there, get a new task.

Lieferzeit: 3-5 days, depending on DHL

1 in stock

Produkt enthält: 1 Piece

SKU: EW_728411001 Categories: , , , Tags: , , ,
Brand: Eibenwald


With both ends, the bridge builder touches the earth and rises in the middle to let things and beings slip through.

You can send questions, requests and special requests through to the other side, to the other worlds. So that they may change there, get a new task.

The bridge builder helps you connect with the earth, while the air spirits can travel back and forth.

A smoky quartz fills the space under the bridge with higher vibrations, protects and opens your eyes to new paths.

Two bells keep your mind awake in case you lose yourself, and ferns remind you of the power of your spine.

Mysterious and undiscovered things live in this magical bridge builder and are waiting to show themselves to you if you are its keeper.

May there be blessings, in this world and in all other worlds!


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Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 40 × 10 × 10 cm
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