Passion flower tincture

geprüfte Gesamtbewertungen (1 customer review)


5,20  / 10 Ml

Passion flower tincture

The passion flower has a special relationship with the heart.
It helps you to find your own inner tone and gives you peace. It also supports the process of saying goodbye and transforming.
If we hold on too much or rebel against what is, inner restlessness and insecurity arises, which can rob us of sleep. We lose ourselves and the passion flower gently takes us by the hand and leads us back to ourselves.

Lieferzeit: 3-5 days, depending on DHL

7 in stock

Produkt enthält: 30 Ml

SKU: EW_448379001 Categories: , , Tags: ,
Brand: Eibenwald


Passion flower tincture

The passion flower has a special relationship with the heart.
It helps you to find your own inner tone and gives you peace. It also supports the process of saying goodbye and transforming.
If we hold on too much or rebel against what is, inner restlessness and insecurity arises, which can rob us of sleep. We lose ourselves and the passion flower gently takes us by the hand and leads us back to ourselves.


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