Eibenwald online store

All our products available here in the store you can also pick up at Eibenwald in Pfaffenhofen. Feel free to leave us a message so we can be sure to have your stuff available in the store when you want to come by to pay and pick up.

Eibenwald online store – our products

All our products are handmade, with native herbs, collected in wild by us in the meadows and forests of our surroundings.

Since we do not buy in and a non-harmful collection of materials in nature is important for us, not all products can always be available.



us for pre-orders / requests and feel free to subscribe to our


so that you will be informed about availabilities and news.


10,00  – 200,00 

Gutschein für Produkte und Dienstleistungen aus dem Eibenwald in Pfaffenhofen

or choose a special category of products


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