Drumming on the 12 Apostles – Review

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🪶🌀🙏 Review of the magical drumming on the 12 apostles in the Altmühl Valley

It took us a few days to realize what was actually magical and powerful happening.

We are still very touched and speechless.

Such wonderful people have responded to our call. People who could deeply feel this mission of the ancient beings and did not let anything, but nothing stop them from coming. People who sometimes had to travel up to 6 hours! Even severe weather warnings, heavy downpours, storms and hail did not prevent them from doing so!

The weather spirits were all present, but very restrained and moderate.

In this ancient place, the 12 apostles, we could perceive joyful expectation from the spirits who have their home there.

We were already there in the morning to have a conversation, to let them know again that people will come with open hearts and their drums. And they were ready, the old beings and so were we!

And they came, the people who were called on this day. With shining eyes and joyful anticipation, they arrived, one after the other.

After Jörg and I had called the spirits and asked for protection, blessing and guidance, we took our places on the mighty rocks and drummed.

At some point it was audible and tangible: the ancient people of the stones woke up and began to sing!

What a power!

We could feel them all.

When we later gathered again in a circle to say thank you, to say goodbye to the spirits and to end the ritual, it was still perceptible, this force field that we had woven together and once again the miraculous thing happened: strangers had become people of the same tribe!

And we will do it again: waking up and honoring the old places of our ancestors.

We are here and we are many!

May we become even more, and may we hear again the voices of all those on whose shoulders we stand.

May we hear again the voices of the trunks of stones, plants, animals, the air of water and fire!

May we hear the singing of Mama Earth again and put all the forgotten pieces back together!

May we become complete again!

It was an honor!

From the heart,

Alice and Jörg 🦉🐻‍❄️

Thanks for the video Johannes Farkas! 🙏

Ps: we are looking forward to photos and videos! 😊

So if anyone has any pictures, please feel free to send them to us


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