The Rune Portal with online community, chat and much more
For runes beginners and for experienced users

A new portal has been created – the Rune Carving Portal.

Anyone who has ever experienced a runic oracle knows that it deals with great powers and that these mysterious symbols emanate a great power that cannot be fully explained with the rational mind.

Runes are both

  • Letters
    Symbols that correspond to a letter of our alphabet (e.g. the rune “Isa” stands for the I)
  • Hieroglyphics
    Signs that describe a word or an object (let’s stay with the rune Isa, which also stands for ice)
  • Magic signs / own gods
    Magic signs that โ€“ in a certain context โ€“ have a meaning, tell a story and with the help of which aspects of everyday reality can be changed.

Runes are a kind of totem.
Totems were traditionally animals, plants, streams, stones, places or songs. So why not runes … The word totem means “blood siblings”.

Runes were consecrated by our ancestors with blood or ochre (the blood of the earth) and magically revived….

The interest in runes and rune work is steadily increasing and there is sometimes strange half-knowledge, explanations and mixtures of different “truths” circulating.

That’s why it’s important to us to create a platform where well-researched knowledge can be found and at the same time there is also the opportunity to engage in personal exchange, ask questions, share experiences …

Let’s dive into the mystical worlds of runes together!

The aim of this Rune Portal is to:

  • Runes to bring beginners and experienced runes together
  • To enable a rune community and a lively exchange among the members
  • To establish a portal in which information about runes is collected and can be found in the long term.

In the Rune Portal, high-quality content, e.g. video podcasts, will be made available by rune experts in the future.

At the same time, the knowledge of many is made available free of charge in various forums as well as in chat.

Sign up and be a part of building the community!

-> Registration <-

We look forward to seeing you!

Reign til runa


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